Salutations, my dear friend! Thou art most heartily welcomed to mine website. Verily, I say unto thee, my joy is full to see thee here. As thou canst observe, mine name is Bedirhan and I hail from the fair city of Eskisehir. In mine youth, I was greatly enamored with the sport of football and the pastime of video games. I did play as an amateur for Kirka Boraksspor, but eventually lost interest in the sport, feeling it was not for me. Mine infatuation with video games then took hold, and I did indulge in them relentlessly, often playing for eight to nine hours per day. Alas, this led to mine body becoming unhealthy, overweight, and unattractive, which caused me great sorrow, but I remained apathetic until mine crush rejected me. Time passed, and I continued to play video games and consume chips, and I realized that if I had not been a popular child in primary and middle school, I would have been more disciplined with myself. The attention I received blinded me, and I believe it was due to mine success in football. When I did quit the sport, the attention dissipated. Additionally, being short, which is often viewed as a negative trait in men, also affected mine self-esteem. In high school, I stood at around 5'5" to 5'6". In tenth grade, I grew taller, and mine self-esteem improved, but the pandemic struck and we were confined to our homes. I continued playing video games and eating chips, but I knew I needed to change mine ways. Luckily, we had a treadmill in our basement, and I began running every day, eating healthily, and working on self-improvement. Verily, I say unto thee, who would have thought that a cold and uninteresting basement would change mine life? I did push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups, and mine body transformed into that of a Greek god, but I was still not satisfied. I hung from a pull-up bar, relaxing mine spine, and as a result, I grew taller, reaching a height of 6'1" with a physique of mine dreams. The pandemic completely transformed mine life. While others complained about being confined, I constantly worked on bettering myself. I even learned to play the classical guitar, but unfortunately, university exams came and I had to focus on studying, causing me to forget how to play. Twelfth grade was mine favorite year; I was healthy, popular again, and had great friendships, but it was short-lived. I dropped out of school and began studying online, but I do not regret it as every decision I make makes me stronger. I did not study for an additional year, but instead, viewed mine results as a valuable lesson, and was subsequently admitted to Adnan Menderes University. So far, so good, I am happy here and I adore the city of Aydin, it is a warm and touristy place with many sights to see. In short, I am now healthy, weigh 200 pounds, have great relationships and a lovely family. Mine family comes first, and I would like to express mine gratitude to mine parents for their unwavering support and belief in me, even during mine rebellious and overweight phase. And so, I say unto thee, that concludes mine story. Fare thee well in the Lord's grace.